Who Started this Training?
Dr. William Glasser (1925 – 2013) began developing his theory in the 1960’s and published his first groundbreaking book, Reality Therapy in 1965. For the next 50 years, he went on to write many more, lectured around the world, and worked with those who wanted to have more effective helping skills, couple, parenting, family, teacher and business skills. There are international affiliates and associations around the world all connected to the Glasser Institute USA. In 1991 Canada formalized their association and training became available in most provinces. And like many organizations are currently discussing ways to some of the training online.
What Is Choice Theory?
Choice Theory explains why we behave. It helps us understand why we do what we do as well as why others do what they do.
Choice Theory helps us understand how we can make better choices; challenging the age old stimulus response explanation for behaviour. A popular stimulus response phrase is ‘for every action there is a reaction’.
Choice Theory would say ‘for every action there is a choice’. Choice Theory teaches us that we have four psychological needs and one physiological need that drives our behaviour choices. We are compelled to satisfy those needs. However, we have choice in the ways we attempt to satisfy our need for love and connection, for personal power in our own life, for fun/pleasure and how we satisfy our freedom need.
Do I Have to Have a Degree to Participate?
Absolutely not. Dr. Glasser only requirement has always been simply that there is a desire to learn.
Why Take Choice Theory Training?
We have increasingly become a culture that looks for someone or something to blame. Many can be heard saying “It’s not my fault, it’s their fault.” However, the Choice Theory model fosters self-reliance, self-evaluation and taking responsibility for choices made and not made.
Understanding human behaviour and interaction from the perspective of Choice Theory enhances interpersonal skills and will enable you to see ‘difficult’ people/situations from a more confident position and in a more creative light.
Training in this model is useful both at home and at work. Relationships or environments that foster better relationships are more likely to find people making the decision to be more cooperative.
If you are a parent your child may be learning this model in school as Dr. Glasser’s work is used in many school districts throughout the world.
Who Takes this Training?
Individuals take this five-step training for career advancement as well as personal growth. Participants represent the helping professions, the business world, educators, and parents. The training expands and challenges our intellectual and emotional growth.
Do I Have to Commit to all Five Levels?
No not at all; you are not required to commit to the entire Certification program. You may simply want to enrich your skills by completing a Basic Week.
How Do I Get Started Locally?
You begin by taking a Basic Week in Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead management. This training can lead to being Certified, which is a five step process, but you may be interested in only taking a Basic Week initially.
Or you may be interested in signing up for a one day workshop based on the book Take Charge of Your Life written by Dr. Glasser. The book or workshop is a great way to introduce yourself to the concepts of Choice Theory without making a large commitment.
Where Can I Learn More About Choice Theory?
- Contact Elaine will be happy to answer your questions.
- Glasser US has a very detailed explanation of the training
- Glasser Canada has additional information
- Read the book Take Charge of Your Life
- Read other books by Dr. Glasser