
We bring a wealth of experience to our work with individuals and groups and what we have learned remains constant is that all of us walk around with varying degrees of fear, hurt and anger inside our heads and hearts. Some carry old pain, while others are currently coping with difficult and challenging situations. With you, we look for solutions and ways to make changes. Trends and quick fixes come and go, but real problem solving lasts and can be handed down to the next generation.

Our experience has shown us that what helps with inner turmoil, depression or confusion is taking the time from busy schedules to sit with a counsellor. Talking and reflecting in a non-judgmental environment about the life one is really living and the changes one needs to make is often the first step.

We provide a supportive, safe and comfortable setting in which you can think and explore the options and alternatives that are best for you. Change is always within our reach.

People often seek help for:  

Partner Relationships:
emotional and/or sexual intimacy; improving communication skills; isolation and loneliness; conflict; decision making; coping with changes; sexual self-esteem (women/men)

depression/sadness; anger/frustration; fear/anxiety; grief/loss

Trauma/Abuse Current or Past:
sexual abuse; partner violence; verbal/emotional

single/solo parent families; two parent families; blended families; coping with separation; sibling rivalry; youth/teens; young adults; toddlers; power struggles; labeling of children

alcohol; drugs; sexual addictions; gambling; internet addictions; 12 Step Program support; other obsessive/compulsive behaviours